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Project status

This project is not currently actively being developed. Read the blog post.

Image Processing Pipeline uses Node.js. If you're a web developer then you're probably using it already! If not, the installation is simple and it will give you access to a large number of other web development tools.

If you already have Node.js, you may continue to the next page.

First steps

Installing Node.js

Installing Node.js is a simple as a few clicks and it comes with npm (Node Package Manager), the largest package registry in the world and also the best way to install IPP.


There is an installer available at This will install a recent version of Node.js and the accompanying Node Package Manager (npm).


Download and install nvm-windows, a port of the popular nvm (Node Version Manager) on Linux that easily lets you install, upgrade and remove different versions of Node.js. You may then do:

$ nvm install latest
$ nvm use latest