Contributing Guidelines
Project status
This project is not currently actively being developed.
Contributions are what makes the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Image Processing Pipeline is an open-source project released under the permissive MIT license. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are greatly appreciated.
If you would like to help but don't know how to get started, check out the issues page on GitHub. Anyone can contribute to the project, however, in order to maintain a high level of quality throughout the project, we do require certain contribution requirements to be met, notably for the main project repository.
If you would like to contribute a new feature, open a new feature request issue on the repository to discuss and approve the feature with others before starting to work on it! It is our aim to keep the core as simple as possible to promote maintainability and not feature float.
Source contributions
We recommend a certain level of coding experience before contributing to the main repository.
- Fork the project on GitHub
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feat/AmazingFeature
) - Work on your new feature!
- Update/modify unit tests if necessary
- Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the origin (
git push origin feat/AmazingFeature
) - Open a pull request with the main repository
Pull Request checklist
In order for your changes to be approved, the following requirements must be met:
- Update tests
- Update documentation (see below)
npm run build
andnpm test
IPP uses Jest for unit testing. This ensures that the code functions correctly and prevents regression. Unit tests should describe the desired code's behaviour with clear and understandable language. Contributions that modify the behaviour of the code in any way should update the associated unit tests.
We advise tests to be updated as needed when adding/modifying/removing a feature. Bug fixes may benefit from a new test that shows the new correct functioning behaviour, depending on the important/severity.
Again, we promote simplicity, preferring simple and descriptive tests, rather than proof of every edge case bug fix.
Repository management
The main repository is organised into a mono-repository layout, with modules and functionality split
between separate npm packages under the @ipp
Dependency management is done using lerna, which can be complex at the best of times. There are several scripts in the root package to assist with some repetitive operations. The entire project can be lint, formatted, tested and build from the root directory.
The project can also be run using the start
script, which uses ts-node under the hood. Other
options include building the project first and executing the JavaScript files. Special care must be
taken when publishing to npm to make sure that all correct files have been built/compiled, and that
all line endings are LF.
Website contributions
Website contributions are a little simpler. The source code of this website is hosted in a separate GitHub repository. If you've found a typo or wish to improve a section of the website you can submit your changes via a Pull Request. Once changes are approved and merged with the main branch, they will go live automatically.
The documentation pages are written in a human-friendly Markdown format. Additionally, each documentation page has a handy "Edit this page" link that will take you directly to the file in question on GitHub using their online editor.
Markdown files should be wrapped with a maximum line length of 100
characters. You can either
limit lines manually to the maximum line length or use the repository formatter (recommended).
The repository formatter, Prettier, is automatically configured to format and re-wrap lines
properly. You can either use a Prettier extension to format manually or run npm run format
in the
terminal. Additionally, VSCode is configured to format on save.
Admonitions are available to highlight important notices. They should only be used when necessary, such as to point out an important feature, as they disconnect and distract the reader from the documentation.
I'm an admonition
Don't use me excessively!
The admonition code must be surrounded by Prettier ignore statements, as the code formatter does not
recognise this unofficial syntax. There is a VSCode snippet ad
available. Manual formatting is
required to wrap the contents to the correct line length.
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
:::danger I'm an admonition
Don't use me excessively!
<!-- prettier-ignore-end -->
The rest
Changes to other parts of the website (with the exclusion of typos or improvements to overall grammar/syntax) should be first discussed in the website directory with other contributors, as they induce major changes to the look/functioning of the website.